Warnings & Disclaimers


The content, information, and/or opinions posted on this website may not be suitable for all readers. Please be aware the subject matter may contain descriptions and/or discussions of psychological, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, domestic violence, drug use, self-harm behaviors and suicidal behaviors and ideation,

Professional Disclaimer:

I am NOT a doctor, licensed psychologist or therapist, psychiatrist or any other medical professional. I have no degrees, certificates, or licenses. I have no legal training or legal experience whatsoever. This website www.ADollhouseEngineered.com, cannot and does not contain any sort of medical, psychological, or legal advice. It may not be used to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. All of the content posted on this site is my PERSONAL OPINION based on my personal life experiences provided for general information and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice.

Copyright Disclaimer:

I have accumulated a lot of information from a lot of sources over the course of many years. I saved quotes that I found inspirational or particularly poignant. I never intended to do anything with the information so I didnt always maintain source records especially for information found online. I just wanted to learn and feel validated in my personal experiences. All of the sources used on this site are noted and given credit directly in the content. If the sources are unknown, and not my original work, that is noted in the content as well. All the original sources used maintain their full original copyrights to their own work. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at ADollhouseEngineered@gmail.com